Explore how Vianova is helping various industries, cities & businesses to reach their goals
Cities around the globe use our platform to digitally design, implement and enforce regulations for e-scooters and other shared vehicles. Our brand new Road Safety solutions maps the riskiest hotspots, streets and intersections in order to make streets safer for all road users. We also use Telematics Data in order to enhance logistics management, optimise parking usage, and improve traffic flows amongst other use cases.

Rules and regulations keep changing, congestion because of last mile delivery and traffic accidents keep increasing and infrastructure is not meeting actual needs. We can support you with up to date information, leverage it and optimise your operations, taking advantage of new rules. No matter if its about better and safer routing, understanding demand and supply of curb space or helping logistic companies to transition to smarter and more sustainable mobility.
We can help you optimise your fleet, do destination pairing, build efficient logistics and consult you on how to work with headwinds or reach your decarbonisation targets. Our experts, coupled with our software solutions will help you solve your specific challenges.

We can analyse driving behaviour of insurance customers using OEM telematics data. With events such as breaking patterns, speeding, hard breaking etc, we can provide insurers with the risk assessments and intelligence to adjust premiums or fees and price clients.
We think of insurances as data producers and can help them market and find commercialisation strategies for their data.
No matter if you want to insure transport services such as shared and new mobility, increase your market share, or offer better pricing to your clients, our solutions can help you do so.

The massive amounts of telematics data that vehicles are producing, can be leveraged for navigation systems, EV charging networks, road safety and insurances. No matter if this data shall be licensed, or used to provide value for drivers and suppliers - our solutions can help OEMs reduce accidents, combine and display data to take smart decisions or provide value for infrastructure planning.

Changing mobility patterns result in new infrastructure developments. Using data is key to plan, optimise and evaluate infrastructure usage in order to build resilient & greener cities, airports, highways & harbours. Challenges such large CO2 emissions from key transport infrastructure, increasing casualties and road accidents, but also congestion and intermodal connectivity require the right tools to solve them. We work with airports, infrastructure planners and transport companies to translate and display their data so they can take the best possible decisions.

Public transport companies are key partners in the joint mission of reducing GHG emissions. Our solutions provide them with the tools to plan their multimodal network according to new mobility needs, analyse usage and overall improve the attractivity of their services.
Building and managing multimodal infrastructure in the form of mobility hubs is key to accommodate first and last mile transportation needs. Vianova provides insights to locate the best hub locations and equip you with tools to manage their usage.Being able to reduce costs and improve efficiency help public transport companies thrive. Our solutions make it simple for operational services to monitor their network through GPS and IoT sensors.

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